Is This Really The Beginning Of WW3?
Disturbing Similarities Between Various Prophecies Seem To Indicate As Much
I take prophecies with a grain of salt. Although some famous prophets like Nostradamus and Baba Vanga have had some serious success in their predictions, they are sometimes off, or completely wrong. I like being grounded in facts, logic, reasoning, evidence, etc. But that doesn’t mean I, or other like- minded people should discount what we don’t understand. I firmly believe that there are real forces beyond our complete understanding. Things that don’t have to do with the material. God, spirituality, intuition, good, evil, are all part of the immaterial. How can one possibly discount the reality of these ideas by using material arguments through the scientific method. Those who argue against the spiritual realm with logic, and reasoning fall into the paradox of consciousness. The tools in which they use to argue, are themselves part of the immaterial. And so while I do mostly research and contemplate what can be proven or suggested in the material world, I also have come to understand that there are real forces beyond the material world that are just, if not more important. So when I tell you I take prophecies with a grain of salt, what I really mean to tell you is that I do not discount the possibility of clairvoyance, but I do count the possibility of human error in translation.
I do not claim to understand how prophets are able to see into the future. If I had to guess, they are naturally tapped into whatever stream of consciousness remote viewers use. There are different kinds of prophets and prophecies. Those that are found in religious texts/doctrines, and those that stem from individuals that were bestowed clairvoyance by a supernatural force. I digress.
There are some frightening similarities between prophecies coming from various prophets having to do with WW3 that are materializing before our very eyes. Here’s a short list.
"The war will break out in the southeast, but that is only a ruse. Thus the opposition is to be misled; Russia long prepared its plan of attack. Each Russian officer has the movement order already in the bag and waits only for the word. First, the main thrust is effected against Sweden and is directed then against Norway and Denmark."
“another terrible war will come from the East to the West. Russia with her secret weapons will battle America, will overrun Europe. The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood."
"The Third World War will begin a few days after the murder of a leader in the sector of Yugoslavia-Hungary."
“The mischief will quite suddenly come from Russia. Everywhere tumults and destruction. The Rhine areas are destroyed by airplanes and invading armies."
"Everything starts when a large bird or a fish flies over the forest [Ed. comment: a big airship flew over the Bavarian forest just before the First World War.] -- then the war comes, and a further one and then the last one will come. Your children will not experience it, but your grandchildren may see the beginnings. A great war will come. A small one begins it (Ukraine war), and a big one comes across the water and makes an end to it (U.S?). The war will come from the east and will end in the west, [but] the last war will be the total destroyer”
Here are a couple of modern prophecies.
“Over twenty years ago my Lakota hunka dad shared with me a prophecy our people received from the Grandfather Spirits after WWII. This is it:
”The Little Yellow Man and the Bear will knock the Eagle from the sky.”
I asked him what it meant and this is what he told me:
”The Little Yellow Man is China and the Bear is Russia. They will join in a military alliance and then knock the Eagle (the USA) from the sky in a great war. This means that they will end America’s role as the sole Global Super Power. I will likely not see it in my lifetime, but you will.”
“On December 13, 2017, I had a prophetic vision about an invasion of the USA by Russia and China and World War III.
The vision started like this. I was in a room with a table before me. I could hear talking about nuclear war starting, and it had to do with the USA. I had the knowing that it was going to be a war all over the world, I knew it would be World War III.
But first, something happened to America. It was either a natural disaster or perhaps a false flag, but it felt very evil and it affected the whole nation. There were a lot of people dead and injured. There was civil war, or a revolution. the nation was in chaos and America was already weak.Then I saw a world map on the table where I saw the USA, Russia and China. As I was hearing all the talking in the background coming from different cities in America, I had the knowing that the east coast and west coast of the United States were attacked.
I did my own map and circled on a piece of paper, very strong around the word “USA” and right next to it, I strongly circled the USSR. I didn’t write Russia, I wrote and circled USSR. I circled both USA and USSR to indicate that Russia was invading America by nuclear war.”
You’ve probably noticed by now the similarity between this small sample of prophecies. On all accounts there is a consensus that WW3 will start by some Russian blitzkrieg move that conquers Europe up to Germany. Nukes will fly, and China will supposedly try a land invasion of the US (geographically very difficult). When I tell you this is just the tip of the iceberg, I’m not exaggerating. There are dozens of prophets leading all the way back to the 16th century that proclaim “the third war” begins in the east and ends in total annihilation. It’s truly astounding to read some of these prophets trying to describe the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. I urge you to click on the hyperlinks provided to read other prophecies pertaining to WW3. It is at least interesting if nothing else.
I hope these prophecies have been lost in translation and are bogus. I didn’t write this to frighten people. This just happens to be closely related to current global affairs. Why I actually write this, is to give people a sense of urgency so they may prepare for the worst. When talking to some baby boomers who’ve lived through the Cold War, Vietnam, the market crash of 1987, it seems they brush our current situation off as something that will come and go without earth altering consequences. They may grasp the magnitude of the current global situation, but aren’t really concerned that it will effect their day to day life. Thus they don’t prepare. Call it natural selection. “Well you’re young. This is your first “global crisis”. Things will work out.” This is anecdotal of course, but I am certain you know someone close to you that is of the same mindset. There hasn’t been a time since WW2 that coincides this closely with WW3 prophecy. Frankly, you don’t need to know about these prophecies to understand that a single spark will now set the world on fire. I am not trying to drown you in fear. What is going to happen will happen. But don’t think that you can’t prepare yourself for what’s to come. Get storable food, water filtration supplies, seeds, etc. It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Your survival in whatever is to come, is the ultimate middle finger to the globalists.
annihilation, not inhalation
You've sure got it wrong about baby Boomers in general. Or maybe you're forgetting about the last of us. I'm a '63 Boomer and bet I am not only far ahead of you on all of this, from Convid to this several years long now, war to end them all, you're going to be embarrassed when we meet in the Mad Max zone in the final round I guess. I'll be the straggly old guy with mad looking remnants of hair and a beard, and a very nice looking babe riding pillion. There'll be a lot of high energy chemistry mayhem going on around me too. it isn't food supplies and shit you'll be needing, it is a real cornucopia of skills from minerals, chemistry, agricultural, natural medicine and more. Prepare ye the way. Hey. I'm an outlier, always was but out here, where no masks have been worn, no jabs or tests or other fuckery since this shit began, I notice it is my mob who are filling the ranks. Mainly. Oh and I am also a pretty fair to not bad, prophet, though it is more hyper charged intuition and I can only say this is mostly bullshit, given it was so easy and obvious at the times concerned. That said, and since it has been so obvious, I'd say they're all within a stone's throw. The problem I have is how one sided political they all sound when when all is said and done, the war was started by the US led West and that's what I mean about having been ongoing for years now. I'd think "Prophets" could distinguish between the war propaganda of ONE SIDE in a conflict at least.