Hi ! I largely agree with your take on the situation. It's just that I'm so suspicious I don't know if any 'player' on the world stage at this point can be trusted to be what they claim to be.
Putin seems to be simply doing the kind of thing JFK was about to do in October 1962 if
Khrushchev hadn't backed down. ( I'm old enough to remember the boys in school saying in hushed tones 'There's going to be a war' ) But can we be certain he's not what the tinfoil - hat -
people call a crisis-actor, merely starting off a wider war on cue to provide the excuse for martial law and further restrictions on liberties worldwide because too many countries are just shrugging
off the last two years' lockdowns etc. Seems we'll be getting a good idea about that before very
I am inclined to think we are now living in the end times of the Apocalypse, but I keep praying
that the days would be shortened and that the world might be spared the worst horrors and that
every single soul would be saved for eternity.
I would be interested to know if you have looked into the prophecies , especially Revelation 13
which seems be ominously like the way the policies of the world rulers are heading just now.
Hey Neil, thanks for your comment. Putin is a tough puzzle to solve in terms of his grand role in all of this. I am inclined to agree with you, that if they are a predominant public figure, we can't always be certain on their true intentions. One thing we do know is that "they" never let a crisis go to waist. I am familiar with the scriptures. Ominous indeed.
Hi ! I largely agree with your take on the situation. It's just that I'm so suspicious I don't know if any 'player' on the world stage at this point can be trusted to be what they claim to be.
Putin seems to be simply doing the kind of thing JFK was about to do in October 1962 if
Khrushchev hadn't backed down. ( I'm old enough to remember the boys in school saying in hushed tones 'There's going to be a war' ) But can we be certain he's not what the tinfoil - hat -
people call a crisis-actor, merely starting off a wider war on cue to provide the excuse for martial law and further restrictions on liberties worldwide because too many countries are just shrugging
off the last two years' lockdowns etc. Seems we'll be getting a good idea about that before very
I am inclined to think we are now living in the end times of the Apocalypse, but I keep praying
that the days would be shortened and that the world might be spared the worst horrors and that
every single soul would be saved for eternity.
I would be interested to know if you have looked into the prophecies , especially Revelation 13
which seems be ominously like the way the policies of the world rulers are heading just now.
Kind regards , Neil
Hey Neil, thanks for your comment. Putin is a tough puzzle to solve in terms of his grand role in all of this. I am inclined to agree with you, that if they are a predominant public figure, we can't always be certain on their true intentions. One thing we do know is that "they" never let a crisis go to waist. I am familiar with the scriptures. Ominous indeed.